Advance CSI is a division of Advance Building Strategies with full time staff to administer all CSI applications. We can obtain information on your behalf from Local Authorities, Waterboards and Titles Office. We are an ECO Friendly company that provides online service to our clients.
Construction Services Information is usually obtained within a 2-3 week period.
To apply for information regarding your property, we simply ask that you fill in our CSI order form forward it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and attach a Plan of Sub and proposed Site Plan to the email.
Streamline your applications into one simple request – just tick what you require and let us do the rest!
Building Information
- Prior to the issuing of a building permit, information is to be obtained from the relevant Council’s Building Department. Eg. is the allotment termite prone, flood prone or situated on a declared road?
Legal Point of Discharge (Stormwater)
- Prior to the issuing of a building permit information from Council’s engineering department is required which identifies the legal point of discharge for the storm water system.
Planning Information
- In some occurrences a Planning Permit may be required to be obtained via the relevant Council prior to the issuing of a building permit. The proposal must comply with the provisions that relate to any applicable Planning schemes, zones, overlays, and the like. If the building works are not pursuant with these planning requirements, a Planning Permit will be necessary. CSI will obtain written confirmation from Council’s Planning Department as to whether your proposal will require a Planning Permit.
Sewer Size Depth and Offset
- Sewer Information (Size, Depth & Offset), is required to ascertain that your allotment is serviced and ensure that any works being undertaken will not undermine these assets.
Bushfire Assessments
- A Bushfire Assessment which designates a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) is required if the subject allotment is designated such by the Minister for Planning. This can be ascertained by visiting This assessment identifies the level of bushfire protection required in order for your design to meet the requirements of the Bushfire Standard (AS3959-2009)
Title and Plan of Subdivision
- Advance CSI will obtain a copy of the Title, Plan of Subdivision and any other applicable attachments. This will include your Title Certificate stating the Property Owner, Plan of Subdivision indicating the location, boundaries and easements relating to your property, and any 173 agreements, covenants and other encumbrances enshrined upon the Title.
Section 29a Certificate
- This certificate is required to ensure that if the façade or dwelling are protected by Heritage Overlays or other Schemes, the correct authority is obtained prior to the issue of your Building Permit.
Flood Level Certificate & Flow Rate Certificate
- If your property has been designated Flood Prone by Council, these certificate will be required to confirm the flood level & flow rate on your property.
If you require any further information please contact the office on 8585 3800.